About Us

About Us

ABHINAV SAMAJ is a not-for-profit organization registered with Govt. of NCT of Delhi under the Trust Act. All the members of the Governing Body of ABHINAV SAMAJ are retired Government Officers/Business people and from well-to-do families. Trust was formed to serve society based on the personal experiences of all the members.

Since inception, as of 07.04.2010, we have been working for the Rehabilitation and Welfare of destitute elderly. We have been running an Old-Age Home 'Jai Ma Durga Old-Age Home' at C-147, Uday Vihar, Chander Vihar, Nilothi Extn., Nangloi, New Delhi-110041 (INDIA) since 2011 where we are providing Free Shelter, Food, Medical-Facilities and all other basic needs required to elderly free of cost. We perform regular health check-ups of all the inmates in our Old-Age Home. In case of their death, we perform their last rituals according to their religion as there are many people whose children refused to accept them even after their death to save the money to be spent on the last rituals of their parents. In addition to this, we are providing shelter to needy children and provide them with all education facilities.

People from both rich and poor classes are affected by this crisis in current times of micro-families. However, the rich have sources to sustain but the poor have nothing to survive and even have to die of hunger on roads.

This problem is ordinary these days. Any of us can suffer at any time. I the settler of this Trust have faced the problem and many of my friends too. Being a retired senior government officer, before my retirement I have seen many such cases in an official capacity also.

One such case which inspired the Settler of ABHINAV SAMAJ, happened sometime. in the year 2004. I was posted in Sub-Registrar Office-IV, Pitampura, New Delhi. One day a very old lady aged around 72 years came to us along with her son and purchaser of her property to register Sale Deed of her property in one of the posh areas of Delhi. Being part of our duty her documents were registered and processed by me. But in the evening the same lady came back to us weeping and telling us that her only son had left her outside Delhi Airport in a taxi and had flown to the USA. In detail, she explained that he promised to take her to the USA after selling the property as he was employed in the USA. After disposing of her property, completing sale documents, and taking the full payment of the property he takes her to Airport to go to the USA. He left her outside Airport saying he was coming back shortly after clearing baggage and completing formalities. She kept waiting for her son for many hours but he never came back. She approached airport authorities with the help of a taxi driver but it was her bad luck that she was informed that her son had already flown to the USA leaving her penniless, shelterless. I was unable to do any favor to her because the sale documents of her property were already completed and registered. This was a mind-blowing incident to the see-one lady who was a multi-millionaire in the morning and was on the road penniless, shelter less, helpless in the evening due to her son. This is an ordinary problem nowadays and can be said to be the story of every home. At that time this story was covered by media channels were also. I was very disturbed by the incident for a long time feeling something severe inhuman and some sin is happened from my hands. Later I also experienced some incidents.

Seeing such incidents all members of the governing body of ABHINAV SAMAJ decided to work for the welfare and rehabilitation of destitute elderly.